The following are the elements that can be detected dynamically to be decorated with our logics.

Naming standards are PascalCase and case-sensitive, meaning that the name must match exactly as explained.

In short: Product is different from product, the first is the right one.

List of Scene Elements and their common usage:

A product is an object that will have a name, description, 3d model, price and a link.

As a user, you will be able to interact with a product through a dialogue system.

In order to detect a product, our system will need you to give a prefix and an index starting from 1.


Prefix : Product

Sample name : Product.1, Product.2, and so on.

As of now, only one Npc (Non Playable Character) is allowed. This will be your Customer Care Bot.

In order to be detected, the bot must have the name Npc. It will be visible on “Spawn_Npc” position


Name : Npc

As of now, the playable character will be replaced with our current ReadyPlayerMe Avatar. For future references or to change to a custom avatar the MO needs to send their avatar to Versy using ReadyPlayerMe extension.

If an avatar is needed to test dimensions or interactions please refer to this:


Name : Player

It’s not possible to export/import lights from other software. As of now, 3D meshes that have the suffix “Light.” will be treated as light sources directly inside our tool to recreate lights. Point light will be used.


Prefix : Light.

Sample name : Light.1, Light.2, and so on.

A leading path is just a 3d model that represents the path to be followed from a point A and a point B.

Usually, this is used for showing the path to be walked from a Npc to a Product.

The index must match the index of the product you want to point to.


Prefix : LeadingPath

Sample name : LeadingPath.1 will match Product.1, and so on.

A dialogue descriptive file will be needed in order to be linked to the Npc dialogue.

The file needed will be a .txt file with the following format:

Q1: question 1
A1: answer 1

Q2: question 2
A2: answer 2

and so on as above.


For each 3D model imported the Hierarchy MUST in any case respect this guideline: ”EnvironmentName_Agency/Studio_Version” contains everything, and should not be called differently. Underneath 2 parents cover the difference between Additionals Objects and Static ones.


Additionals Objects

The Additionals Objects are those elements that could have a reason to be modify in sub-sequential iterations, or those that needs to be decorated with logics or components (as happen with Lights)

Static Objects

As of now, Static objects could refer principally to 3D models that are used to create the Metaverse. They may be seen as the infrastructure that keep the house stable.